"Things change, rearrange, or so do I/ It ain't always for the better, dawg, I can't lie/ I get high 'cause the lows can be so cold/ I might bend a little bit but I don't fold." -J.COLE
When I thought about how I should introduce myself, this is what came to my mind.
My name is Princess, and this blog is about me and my journey in life.
I am twenty years old and I am a second year in college. I love music and doing new things to make memories. As I am growing older, I thought it would be fun to blog about my life and things I do, and hopefully people out there can relate to me. I love to influence people and express my creativity in different ways.
I couldn't live without my music and lashes. If I could have a dream shop, it would be a twist between the music industry and the fashion industry. I feel as though they are two big forces that can help you express who you really are. I find thing I never knew about myself through song lyrics and I often believe life would be better if it was a song.
I am in school for sports management and I plan to keep further my education after I graduate. I have always been different than my peers, because I could never find the same drive I had in myself, in them. I feel as though I am an introvert and I would rather be with a few then hundreds of people. I am shy on the outside, but I have a million things going on in the inside.
Noooo boys for me...I am single.
I plan to focus and work on myself and towards a career. I have found that if are searching for something it doesn't come, but if you start focusing on other things then he comes out of nowhere. I have had little crushes here an there but honestly I haven't met a man who is somebody I am interested in furthering relations with......which is okay because a girl needs to be single.
I love fashion and clothes more than everything. I wish I lived on a runway every day because I would be able to be so creatively fashionable without being judged. I think fashion is a loose word, because I think if you think it looks good, then that is all that matters. Sometimes I can express myself better with clothing and outfit decisions than words.
"To look behind and say, "Look where I came/ Look how far I done came"/ They say that dreams come true/ And when they do, that there's a beautiful thing"-J. Cole.
